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A new direction

A new direction

Thatsafrotastic, what a treasure it has been to me. I remember first time creating this site, and how excited I was sharing recipes, photos and inspiring others to develop a positive relationship with food which, I still aim to do. However, something has come to […]

Understanding your values

Understanding your values

After speaking and listening to various people from different walks of life, (as obvious as it may sound), it was clear that everyone had different views and values when it comes to food choices. For some, it’s a way of bonding with others, enjoying the […]

Cocoa oats with candied orange and pistachio

Cocoa oats with candied orange and pistachio

I remember when living with friends and I implemented eating our meals on Wednesdays. They enjoyed the company, meals and environment that it became a daily thing for the mornings. To this day, we recall our fond memories of the times of eating our meals […]

Your change can start today

Your change can start today

When the clock strikes 12pm when the New Year is announced, all of the excitement and splendour from the beautiful fireworks populate the night sky making a vibrant eye-catching scene. Do you ever feel like you need to wait until the new year to start […]

Boiled eggs

Boiled eggs

  How to boil an egg, you must be kidding. No, I’m not cracking jokes. When it comes to cooking, we all have to start from humble beginnings. (If you were a wiz in the kitchen, you might be familiar with all of the content […]

Back to basics Cooking 101 #Basics

Back to basics Cooking 101 #Basics

Welcome to the new series Back to basics. This series aims to provide foundational skills for cooking that will eventually lead to exploring other recipes and even inventing your own original recipes. This will include staple ingredients, how to observe their freshness, storage and cooking […]

Vanilla overnight oats with mixed berries

Vanilla overnight oats with mixed berries

Ahh, oatmeal again??? If you asked me a couple of years ago, oats were not part of my staple, especially when making into oatmeal. Previously oatmeal seemed bland, especially when I saw it produced with water and sugar. Nevertheless, fast-forward to now, and I have […]

Barley and lemon iced tea

Barley and lemon iced tea

      As the weather is getting warmer calls for more cold and iced beverages. At least once a week, I like to make a batch of iced tea to store and use over time during the week. It was around 30 degrees as […]

A small change

A small change

        Sustainability is s a value that I was growing fond of, yet at the same time, it seemed slightly overwhelming how to go about it. How can I make these changes? I have decided to break it down into small chunks […]

Eating at the table

Eating at the table

      Eating at the table, is there someone coming over, a celebration, nope none of them. In all honesty, this was a habit that I wanted to cultivate but struggled with for many years. It was slowly leaning towards eating just for fuel. […]

Tea 4 thought

Morning tea thoughts | (Autumn) Immerse in nature

Morning tea thoughts | (Autumn) Immerse in nature




It was Friday at 5:15 pm when I discovered that the train was delayed at Flinders station as there was a person who stood in front of the train tracks. You know what that means. This train is not going to leave anytime soon. People were waiting in vexation about this whole situation. Some cursed, others videotaped this situation. Being in this type of claustrophobic atmosphere for me personally made feel even more mentally exhausted and anxious. Then I realised why to wait here when I could just take a stroll to the Alexandra Gardens close the Arts Centre to calm myself and wait until the train starts running again.

It was still a warm sunny evening. I noticed that some of the leaves had started to shed making me realise that its already March (times flies) and that Autumn has arrived.

Autumn to me is the season of change. As the days will become shorter, the green chlorophyll slowly will start to disappear forming golden, amber, red pigmented leaves.

No one knows when each leaf falls, but when it does, these delicate leaves will graciously pirouette to Autumn’s gentle breeze reminding us all that winter is just around the corner.

Watching the leaves gracefully fall is like watching a kaleidoscope of colours descending to the ground. As the red and copped tinges leave fall creating a  carpet. How I love to walk through a bunch of crisp and crunchy fallen leaves.

Best of all, you can pile up the leaves and jump straight into them no matter what age you are, which can only be done in Autumn.

In this quiet and serene environment where it almost feels like time has stopped, I feel at peace and ease, (sweet mercy, I almost forgot about the train situation).

I walk back to the train station and sit down, now in a more calmer and jovial state of mind. I may have not being able to control the train delay, however, I do have the ability to how I respond regarding the situation in a positive outlook which can be beneficial to my overall health and well-being.

Like the leaves, we too can change for the better. Be a thermostat, not a thermometer.
